Bill & Gabe's Excellent Adventure 3

Southwest Trip, Spring 2001

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After two-and-a-half days of driving, we arrived in Santa Fe and stayed with friends.

Robert Laporte and Paula Baker are a builder-architect, husband-wife team promoting natural, healthy homes and buildings. Lou/Bill learned the techniques of straw-clay and earth plastering at a workshop given by Robert in the early '90's. (For more on a straw-clay workshop we presented in Madison, WI home, visit Design Coalition's website. )

(above) Their beautiful passive solar, straw-clay home atop stone terraces, and Paula's office for her architectural practice (above, left).

(right) Gabe and Robert discuss life. Notice that Robert's in a warm jacket, and Gabe's in a T-shirt, still acclimated to Wisconsin's winter weather.

(below) Alfred von Bachmyr, architect and inventor, as we talk about his home design. The passive solar water tubes (right) soften the harsh sunlight and absorb and hold heat for nighttime. Alfred treated us to breakfasts and dinners, and gave us recommendations of sights to visit in Santa Fe.
Alfred's modern adobe house. The aluminum shutters can be closed on winter night to retain heat, or on summer days to keep out the heat of the sun. The rooftop reflectors increase the amount of sun's rays striking the solar collectors on the roof; they're adjustable for the different seasons. Alfred devised the straw-clay mixing machine that Robert now uses on his construction projects.

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