Blond Man
Smallish oil portrait, from portrait school
Woman Painting
Medium oil portrait (not self-portrait)
Red Scarf
Smallish oil portrait, from portrait school
Head Scarf Man
Medium oil portrait, unstretched, from art school
Pose Study
Medium oil study, unstretched, from art school
Medium oil study, unstretched, from art school
Her Gangster
Large oil portrait of one charming guy (should go to a good home with "His Moll", in my opinion)
His Moll
Large oil portrait of one swell dame, unstretched (should go to a good home with "Her Gangster", in my opinion)
Striking Woman
Large oil portrait, unstretched
Blond Family1
Large oil portrait of blond family (1 of 2), unstretched
Blond Family2
Large oil portrait of blond family (2 of 2), unstretched
Abstract Landscape
Medium oil abstract with Jan's signature diamonds
Abstract 1
Smallish oil abstract with dusty colors
People Pattern
Large modern oil, some cracks, unstretched
Abstract Tea
Medium oil? abstract from art school, unstretched
Maja Uno
Small oil life study nude from art school, unstretched