Bill & Gabe's Excellent Adventure 3

Southwest Trip, Spring 2001

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Hoover Dam (aka Boulder Dam)

A photo from the museum (below) and a modern-day shot of a spinning shaft and workers rebuilding a turbine (right). Grandpa Jablonski may have worked on this very unit.

rebuilding a turbine
Panel A3 Panel A5 Panel A6 Panel A7

Many companies installed equipment for the hydroelectirc plant. These are the panels of the turbines that Allis-Chalmers provided, at least the ones we were allowed to tour: A3, A5, A6, A7 and A8

We wanted to discover whether Jacob Jablonski had worked on the generators and/or turbines in the Hoover Dam, and we asked for information from guides and dam staff. We learned, however, that no personnel records were kept during the project. We were told a nmber of reasons for this: during the depression the competition for jobs was so keen, that some workers placed different names on the multiple sign-up lists to improve their chances of being hired. Other workers had dubious pasts, and the contractors, who needed skilled help, were not inclined to ask questions. And the the government, aware of potential liability exposure for the dangerous work (a fair number of men were killed during consturction) benefitted from a loose approach to record-keeping. Aparently the whole operation was a cash-only, don't ask, don't tell affair.

The only suggestion that staff could make was that we inquire with Allis-Chalmers as to which dam projects Jacob was employed on.

Panel A8
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