Bill & Gabe's Excellent Adventure 7

The Glengarry Highland Games ~ 2008

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Gabe & Bill/Lou traveled again to the Glengarry Games in 2008. We made our way North to find the little town of Maxville exactly as we'd last seen it. However, the Games ended a little differently this year. We should have seen it coming, in the clouds over the field of tents.

Here we pose tough on Gabe's apartment balcony.

A few hours after the photo above was taken, a serious storm was blowing away the heavy competitors, pipebands and spectators. Our tent filled with several inches of water, soaking clothes, sleeping bags and all. In good spirits (wool kilts and hose are warm in the wet) we packed up the lot and drove South through the evening.

On the way back Bill/Lou attended workshops on smallpiping in the green mountains of Vermont. Gabe spent the day setting up the campsite & drying our wet gear, and then joined the pipers for music in the evening.

Back in in the Boston area, we still had a day for tours through the city (which Gabe already knows almost like a native), and a fine meal of local seafood at The Rudder in East Gloucester.

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JaboWeb ~~ last modified 3 Sep 08